These Rock

Not much makes me happier than traveling and I've always wanted a really awesome world map. I dream of going back to Spain and Paris for a third time...I really can't get enough. I secretly wished Paris was my home for years - until an episode of House Hunters on HGTV ruined by dream. Can you believe a 300 square foot apartment goes for over $500,000 there!

Anyways, my point is I would love to own a beautiful map to remind me of the dreamy places I've been. I'm sure all you design savvy folks have already seen these - but for those who have not...I'd like to introduce you to These are Things. I love this aqua and yellow map and this rust and taupe number as well. These maps are so gorgeous, they're truly pieces of art...and I want one:)


  1. I've been looking for a beautiful map as well - I love these, vintage but still with a little modern feel!


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